Provisional programme

Monday 7th of July 2025

08h00-08h30: Welcome coffee

08h30-12h30: Lectures

08h30-10h00: Introduction to medical and veterinary entomology, Prof Richard Wall

10h00-10h30: Coffee break

10h30-11h30: Bio-ecology and pathogenic role of sandflies, Dr Carla Maia

11h30-12h30: Bio-ecology and pathogenic role of Culicoides spp., Dr Claire Garros

12h30-13h30: Lunch break

13h45-18h00: Practical work

13h45-15h00: Culicoides and sandflies trapping, Dr Claire Garros & Dr Jorian Prudhomme

15h00-16h00: Principle of morphological dentification of Culicoides, Dr Claire Garros

16h00-16h30: Coffee break

16h30-18h00: Principles of morphological identification and dissection of sandflies, Dr Jorian Prudhomme

Evening: social event

Tuesday 8th of July 2025

08h30-12h30: Lectures

08h30-10h00: Mosquito-borne diseases: a one health perspective, Dr Jean-Philippe Martinet

10h00-10h30: Coffee break

10h30-11h30: Mosquito control and public health, Dr Fabrice Chandre

11h30-12h30: Mechanisms of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes, Dr Sylvie Cornélie

12h30-13h30: Lunch break

13h45-17h30: Practical work

13h45-17h00: Phenotypic diagnostic of resistance in mosquitoes, Bethsabée Scheid and Audric Berger

Free evening

Wednesday 9th of July 2025

08h30-12h30: Lectures

08h30-10h00: Bio-ecology of Glossina spp. and African trypanosomiasis, Prof Steve Torr

10h00-10h30: Coffee break

10h30-11h30: Bio-ecology and pathogenic roles of stable flies, Dr Emmanuel Liénard

11h30-12h30: Principles of alternative control tools against stable flies and tabanids, Prof Philippe Jacquiet and Dr Marc Desquesnes

12h30-13h30: Lunch break

13h45-18h00: Lecture and practical work

13h45-18h00: Bio-ecology and pathogenic roles of Simulidae and Pprinciples of morphological identification, Prof Aleksandra Ignjatović Ćupina

Evening: social event

Thursday 10th of July 2025

08h30-12h30: Lectures

08h30-09h30: Fleas and flea-borne pathogens, Dr Emilie Bouhsira

09h30-10h30: Sarcoptidae: bio-ecology and pathogenic roles in human and animals, Prof Jacques Guillot

10h30-11h00: Coffee break

11h00-12h00: Bio-ecology and pathogenic roles of bedbugs and principle of laboratory rearing, Jean‑Michel Bérenger

12h00-12h30: Demonstration of bedbugs detection by dogsEco-Flair company (to be confirmed)

12h30-13h30: Lunch break

Afternoon: Touristic visit of Toulouse

14h30-16h30: Guided visit of Toulouse, meeting Tourism Office of Toulouse

Free evening

Friday 11th of July 2025

08h30-12h30: Lectures

08h30-10h30: Ticks: Biology, Ecology and Phylogeny, Prof Lorenza Beati

10h30-11h00: Coffee break

11h00-12h30: Zoonotic tick-borne diseases: Lyme Disease and Bartonellosis, Prof Richard Birtles

12h30-13h30: Lunch break

13h30-18h30: Practical work and final examination

13h45-17h00: Principles of tick morphological identification, Prof Lorenza Beati

17h00-17h30: Coffee break

17h30: Final examination

18h00: Hands-over course certificates

End of the course

20h30: Gala dinner

National Veterinary School of Toulouse, France
Continuing education in Medical and Veterinary Entomology