Check-out the testimonials of the participants.

Imane El Idrissi Saik
PhD student
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hassan II University of Casablanca
Institut Pasteur of Morocco
Awardee of the Young Scientist Award 2022.
This course was an excellent introduction to the world of entomology. Working on a vector-borne disease, it provided me with hands-on training in various entomology aspects and allowed me to interact with passionate entomologists from diverse backgrounds, thus broadening my perspective and inspiring new ideas for approaching my thesis research.

Lemonde Bouafou
PhD student, IRD Montpellier, France
This course is an exciting introduction to the world of arthropods of medical and veterinary interest. It covers the most important vectors and vector-borne diseases, and combines both theoretical and practical aspects. In addition to the academic content, the course was organized in such a way as to include an interesting social component, allowing participants to unwind and network with each other and with the instructors. I highly recommend this course!

Damien Morel
Managing director of APPI France
Business developer for Koppert livestock division.
I applied to this training to complete and enlarge my background in medical and veterinary Entomology. I appreciated the high quality of this training mixing theoretical and practical (field work, laboratory work) teaching. It was a fruitful training with qualified and accessible speakers. I warmly recommend this course.

Seun Oladipupo
PhD student of Entomology at Auburn University, USA,
Awardee of the Young Scientist Award 2020-2021.
The summer school integrates apposite hands-on training such as the identification of […]arthropod [vectors] in the lab and an on-site visit to farms to provide first-hand observations of the havoc wreaked by these arthropods. I highly recommend the course because I made connections that translated into actionable research collaborations.

Nina Gillis
EVPC resident and PhD Student, University of Veterinary Medicine, Zurich, Switzerland
During the entomology summer course I learned a lot about arthropods and vector-borne diseases. All the topics, lectures, practical courses, and the field trip to a farm were very interesting. I particularly enjoyed the training in morphological identification of ticks, mosquitos, and biting flies. As a parasitologist focusing on helminths, my in-depth knowledge of entomology was certainly lacking before the course.

Luciana Alexandra Crivei
Research Assistant, University of Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, Romania
During the Entomology Summer Course, I have acquired high quality, theoretical and practical (field and laboratory work) pieces of training on vectors such as biting midges, mosquitoes, sandflies, tsetse fly, stable fly, fleas, ticks, and bedbugs. The course was an event I have eagerly waited to attend. With a comprehensive approach regarding the main vectors involved in the transmission of diseases with public health and animal interest; it offered me the opportunity to learn theoretical and practical insights from the vectors world.

Zoë Langlands
Laboratory technician in entomology
The Pirbright Institute, United-Kingdom
The Entomology Summer Course was extremely insightful with lecturers and practical demonstrators from a vast array of international institutions covering several groups of arthropods of medical and veterinary importance.

Hélène Jourdan
Researcher in evolutionary ecology at CIRAD (Center for research in Agronomy and Development), Montpellier, France
Another added-value of this training was to gather trainees from all over the world with varied backgrounds and interest, who could be future potential collaborators in my research field.

Vanessa Chala
Independent advisor in medical marketing, France
The programme offered a comprehensive overview of parasites, parasitoses and vector-borne diseases with significance not only in veterinary medicine but also in human health, therefore supporting and underpinning the “One Health” concept.

Wilfried Lebon
Clinical development manager, Global Veterinary Technical Services Pet Parasiticides, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health, France
This training, in complete immersion, allowed me to deepen my knowledge in the field of medical and veterinary Entomology […] which is essential in my professional activity since it mainly consists in developing innovative products for the control of arthropods and the prevention of transmission of vector-borne agents to animals.

Zaida Renteria
Post-doctoral researcher, European Veterinary Parasitology College (EVPC) resident, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Leipzig, Germany.
This course gave me a great introduction to the Entomology world. It was useful for my residency training and gave me confidence and a place to start. My experience was only positive! I really enjoyed it and recommend it.